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Parent Testimonial – Nikki Craig

Dear Montessori Co-op School Community,

My name is Nikki, and this fall, my family is excited to begin our third year at the Montessori Co-op School (MCS). Our journey to MCS is a bit unconventional: as a military family, we’ve experienced a diverse range of educational environments, including four cooperative schools and two Montessori schools. The Montessori approach has provided our children with the stability and consistency they need amidst the frequent moves that come with military life. The co-operative model allows our whole family to quickly connect with new friends when arriving in a new place. When we were considering our next duty station, I remember telling my spouse how incredible it would be to find a school that was both a co-op and a Montessori school. Imagine our joy when we received orders to Omaha and discovered MCS!

While my husband was deployed to the middle east in 2022, my kids and I made the trip to Omaha and had the opportunity to tour the school. In our many past moves, this has been a trying task. There is sometimes tension with traditional schools when they learn about our family’s history with so many schools in the past, moving so often, and being a military family. It can be hard for teachers, other parents, and even other children to invest in building relationships knowing we may move away in a few short years. The moment we walked in to MCS, we knew it was
the place for us. (And no matter what my son will tell you, it wasn’t just because of the Obi-Wan Kenobi quote on the wall that day. But that didn’t hurt.)

I remember Ms. Sarah encouraging my son to engage with new friends when he was feeling nervous outside on the playground and the elementary classroom switching tasks on the fly to a fun food experiment when my daughter was having a hard time working up the courage to join in their work cycle.
We met Ms. Emily and her wife, and saw first-hand how family is valued here. Ms Emma’s class spent some time figuring out that each of them, both of their teachers, and my son all had either a dinosaur or Baby Yoda on their shirts. Someone even had both! It was an instant welcome, with deep connections.

Montessori Co-op School is the embodiment of community. Since that day, we have been welcomed, loved, and supported. Our children are thriving in every way. The best part of being here is seeing so many children grow and thrive in this school. MCS has touched our family in ways that will be deeply felt for many years.

We invite you to join our family in donating to The 1984 Fund. The 1984 Fund not only helps address immediate needs at the school, but also reinforces the values and vision that brought our family and others to this amazing place. If the co-op has left a mark on your family, like it has ours, please donate today.

With thanks,
Nikki, Michael, Isla, & Ian Craig

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